Agartala: Feb 08: National Congress spokesperson Supriya Srineet slammed the five-year-old BJP-IPFT coalition government for misgovernance. In a press conference organized at the Pradesh Congress office on Wednesday, he said that the opposition was attacked in Tripura during the tenure of the BJP government.But in a democratic state, the opposition political parties in Tripura are unable to raise any voice to blame the government. From the leadership of the opposition party to the supporters of the workers, they have to be attacked if they raise their voice against the government. The most surprising thing is that the MLA is being attacked in the presence of Minister Sushant Chowdhury, the opposition is being attacked by the police. In no other state in the country does blood flow in such political violence. And in the last two and a half years, more than four hundred rapes have taken place in Tripura. And he praised the current Chief Minister for this and said what more can be expected from the Chief Minister of Chappa Vota. And because of which Tripura is currently at the top in political violence according to Narendra Modi government data. Not only terrorism but the unemployed in this state are suffering from lack of employment. This BJP government has destroyed democracy in Tripura. Such incidents are unthinkable in a democratic state. He opined that the people of the state will give a literal answer to the BJP in the upcoming assembly elections.