Agartala: Jan 07: On January 3, a middle-aged woman named Kalpana Das, who worked as a caretaker at a private children’s home, went missing from the GB Hospital in Agartala. She had been sent to the hospital from the Umesh Child Home in Gokulnagar to take care of a sick child. After the child was discharged from the hospital, Kalpana disappeared, and her whereabouts remain unknown despite a missing person’s report filed at the GB Police Outpost.
Kalpana, who had been working at Umesh Child Home in East Gokulnagar for the past three years, was trusted with the responsibility of looking after the child. However, after the child’s discharge, she vanished without a trace. Kalpana’s disappearance has sparked significant unrest in the Gokulnagar area, as the mother of the missing woman, now distressed, has been desperately seeking her daughter.
The local community, particularly the women of the area, have organized a protest in front of the entrance of Umesh Child Home. The situation quickly escalated, and the entire neighborhood became tense. The police from Bishalgarh Police Station and local representatives, including Kajol Sarkar, the head of Kamla Sagar Mandal, arrived at the scene to address the issue. They met with the officials of the child home and demanded action to locate the missing woman.
The authorities at the child home have stated that they are doing everything they can to locate Kalpana. However, there is growing criticism of their handling of the situation, with many questioning their response to the disappearance. The incident has caused anxiety among the residents, and the search for Kalpana continues.