Agartala: Dec 29: On Friday, former Chief Minister of Tripura, Manik Sarkar, expressed confusion about the Tripura Tourism Promo Fest, questioning its purpose and expenditure. He pointed out that the event, held at the Agartala Town Hall, cost a whopping seven crore rupees for just one night. He also mentioned that he was unaware if any of the state ministers had danced at the event.
In response, Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha countered Sarkar’s remarks, saying that while Sarkar may claim to not know whether the ministers danced or not, he is fully aware of all the details. The Chief Minister criticized the former CM for making such statements, stating that such comments were meant to mislead the public. He accused Sarkar of misusing democracy by making these claims and confusing the people.
Additionally, Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha addressed questions from the press regarding the recruitment process for firemen and drivers in the Tripura Fire Department. He assured that he would visit the office on Monday to gather information about the current status of the recruitment process. The vacancies for firemen and drivers have been pending since 2022, and despite the written exams being conducted, the merit list has not been released. As a result, the concerned candidates have been repeatedly protesting on the streets, demanding the swift completion of the recruitment process. Dr. Saha assured that he would look into the matter and take necessary actions to resolve the issue as soon as possible.