Agartala: Jan 14: The Kailashhar Women’s Police Station has arrested the main suspect in the abduction and assault of a 13-year-old girl. The suspect, Turab Ali, was apprehended in Chennai, South India, and was produced in court on Tuesday. He resides in the Srinathpur Gram Panchayat area of Kailashhar.
According to the police, Turab Ali, along with two other individuals from the same area, forcibly abducted and assaulted an eighth-grade student. Turab Ali subsequently fled to Chennai. The incident took place on January 8, 2024, in the Manuvyali Gram Panchayat area of Kailashhar.
Following the incident, the girl’s father filed a complaint against Turab Ali, Tafzzul Ali, and Fuez Ali at the Kailashhar Women’s Police Station. The police registered a case and initiated an investigation. While the police had previously arrested Tafzzul Ali and Fuez Ali, they were unable to apprehend the main suspect, Turab Ali, until they tracked his mobile phone and located him in Chennai.