Tribal Artisan Mela was organized at Dharmanagar Ardhendu Bhattacharya Smriti Bhavan in the joint initiative of TRIFED and TRLM at district headquarters Dharmanagar of Uttar district on Wednesday 3rd May with the aim of empowering the Janjati women of Tripura. On this day, the opening ceremony of the fair was auspiciously inaugurated by Bhavatosh Das, District President of Uttar Zila Parishad, Manju Nath, Vice Chairman of Dharmanagar Pur Parishad, Kanchanpur Zonal Development Officer, TRIFEED General Manager Colonel M Mehra, Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission Officer, various officials of TRIFEED were also present. On this day, it was discussed how to reach the market outside the state in order to properly evaluate the various products made by the people.