Agartala: Dec 29: Residents of Rajnagar have once again expressed their anger for Jasmine Akhtar from the area. Today, a deputation was submitted to the local MLA and Mayor, Deepak Majumdar.
Previously, the residents had protested and submitted a deputation to the West Women’s Police Station demanding the arrest of Jasmine Akhtar.
It is alleged that Jasmine Akhtar, a resident of an area adjacent to Rajnagar School, is involved in drug trafficking and other anti-social activities. According to local clubs and residents, the police had conducted a search of Jasmine Akhtar’s house and recovered a gun and drugs. Although the police had arrested her, she was later released.
On Thursday, the 26th, locals had surrounded the SP’s office demanding the arrest of Jasmine Akhtar. The residents of Rajnagar had threatened to launch a larger protest if the police did not cooperate.
Due to the lack of proper cooperation from the police, the residents have now turned to the Mayor. Today, a deputation was submitted to the local MLA and Mayor, Deepak Majumdar. The residents are now awaiting the Mayor’s decision on this matter.