Agartala: Jan 28: The family of Moumita Shil, a college student tragically killed in a car accident in Chandrapur, has expressed intense anger and frustration following the news that the person arrested for the incident, Montosh Dev, has been granted bail. This decision has sparked protests, with Moumita’s family and local residents besieging the police headquarters, accusing the authorities of mishandling the case and failing to ensure justice for the victim.
The accident occurred last Saturday night when Montosh Dev’s car collided with Moumita and her parents, resulting in Moumita’s death and her parents sustaining injuries. The incident has shaken the community, and the family is demanding accountability. Relatives and locals have submitted a formal deputation to the West District Superintendent of Police, calling for a fair trial and proper legal proceedings in the case of Moumita’s death.
One of the key grievances expressed by Moumita’s family is the handling of the accused, Montosh Dev, by the East Agartala police. The family claims that after Dev’s arrest, he was not kept in lock-up, raising suspicions about the fairness of the investigation. The family further alleges that if the police were unable to ensure the accused’s detention, they were ready to assist in his arrest, suggesting a breakdown in law enforcement procedures.
The protesters are demanding that the accused be denied bail and face appropriate punishment for the tragic incident. They believe that granting bail without a trial undermines the justice system and the rights of the victim. The family’s actions reflect the deep pain and disillusionment felt by those seeking justice, and they hope that their public outcry will compel the authorities to revisit the case and take stronger action to ensure a fair and just resolution.