Agartala: Jan 05: On Sunday, the Tripura state government initiated a program to purchase paddy from farmers at the government support price at Bamutiya Binodini School ground, located in the Bamutiya block. The program was launched by Bolai Goswami, the Chairperson of the West Tripura Zilla Parishad. Other dignitaries present at the event included the Deputy Chief Minister of Mohanpur Sub-Division, BDO of Bamutiya Block Amitabh Bhattacharya, Panchayat Samiti Chairman Dipak Kumar Singh, State Secretary of Kisan Morcha Prachiti Bhowmik, Bamutiya Mandal President Shibendra Das, along with officials from the Agriculture and Food Department and local farmers.
Through this program, the Bamutiya Mandal President made a request to the government to arrange for the distribution of high-quality seeds, which are currently available in private shops, to farmers through government channels. He expressed the need for the government to support farmers by ensuring access to good seeds at affordable prices.
In his address, Bolai Goswami, the inaugurator of the paddy purchase initiative, urged local farmers to increase their involvement in paddy cultivation. He emphasized the importance of boosting agricultural productivity in the region, encouraging more farmers to come forward and contribute to the state’s agricultural development. He also expressed his hope that such government-supported initiatives would help farmers achieve greater prosperity by ensuring fair prices for their crops and access to necessary agricultural resources.
The event highlighted the government’s commitment to supporting farmers and improving the agricultural sector in Tripura, ensuring that farmers have the tools and support they need to enhance their livelihoods and contribute to the state’s economic growth.