Agartala: Jan 30: A customer’s fixed deposit of one lakh rupees has disappeared without her knowledge, causing a stir. Today, the woman, Anima Debnath, broke down in tears after learning about this at the Indian Bank located on Agartala Hariganga Basak Road.
Anima Debnath, a resident of Ranirbazar, discovered the issue while attempting to withdraw money from the bank. She had made a fixed deposit of Rs 1 lakh in the Indian Bank a year ago and had been trying to withdraw the money for the past few days. After being given various explanations by the bank, she was informed today that the money was withdrawn a month after making the fixed deposit. However, Anima Debnath claims she knows nothing about this withdrawal.
The bank authorities have been reluctant to speak about the incident, raising questions about their role. They could not provide a satisfactory answer as to how the money was withdrawn without the customer’s knowledge. Anima Debnath has stated that she will file a complaint at the police station regarding this incident.