Agartala: Jan 31: In a tragic incident, a school teacher found dead under mysterious circumstances. The family members, including the two children of the deceased teacher Haimanti Sinha Barman of Melaghar, have approached the Tripura Human Rights Commission demanding a proper investigation into the murder case. The family of the deceased is calling for the immediate arrest of the accused husband, Mrinal Kanti Barman.
Haimanti Sinha Barman, a resident of Melaghar and a teacher by profession, died under mysterious circumstances. Her husband, Mrinal Kanti Barman, is also a teacher. The children of the deceased and her sister allege that Haimanti was burnt to death by her in-laws, leading them to file a case against four people. The police have arrested only one person so far, and the main accused, the deceased’s husband, has yet to be arrested. Dissatisfied with the role of Melaghar police, the family members have filed a complaint with the Human Rights Commission. They were accompanied by the deceased’s teenage daughter and infant son.